Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I like a good cry every now and then

If you haven't heard about the recently discovered sensation, Susan Boyle, of Scotland, then you MUST watch this video:


Anna Scott Graham said...

oh this was fab, the way she affected all there...

take THAT Piers and Simon!!

MilitantMom said...

I thought you would appreciate it, and I'm glad you did! Yes, she was fab and quite an inspiration. See what us middle-aged women can do when we reach for the stars?!

Thud said...

A pleasant surprise to be so uplifted by otherwise trash tv....I can only hope for a few more moments of genuine humanity.

Thud said...

I forgot to add...your header pic reminds me of my sisters family in Utah...10 kids too,always fun to visit such a lively household.